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Welcome to the Fireball Tennis Academy BLOG

We hope you will enjoy our stories and use this platform to connect with us!

Fireball Tennis Academy Student

Hello to everyone reading this entry and welcome to our official Fireball Tennis

Academy Blog! Being the introductory post we thought it would be very fitting to

introduce ourselves, our academy and definitely a little bit about what to expect

from this blog and the kind of impact we hope to make with it.

Currently at Fireball Tennis Academy we are a big team of coaches and off court

staff members. Behind these titles however, we are a mix of mums, dads, students,

sisters and brothers, personalities - who come from different cultures, backgrounds

and expertise. We are clearly a large mix and that’s what makes this academy very

special, notwithstanding a little difficult at times. Nevertheless, we are bound

together by our love for the sport and teaching the sport of tennis. And as a team we

are driven forward by the beliefs and visions that Fireball’s founder Gareth

Constance always tries to implement in the daily life of this academy – and that is

that tennis is a sport for life and the vision of building confidence on and off the


In terms of what you should all expect from this blog - every fortnight we will be

posting an article either under the theme of ‘Let’s talk about Fireball Tuesdays’ or

‘What’s trending in the tennis world Thursdays.’ In light of this, we call upon anyone

and everyone in our community to request for blog posts they wish to be featured.

We simply want a platform where we can connect with our community to share

little insights into the daily life of Fireball and our Fireball members and share some

tennis news so we can all learn something along the way.

So do stay tuned and please use this platform to connect with us!

#fireballtennis, #enjoyingtennis@fireball,#Fireball-Tennisaagameforlife

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